Unable to control urination, the need to rush to the bathroom immediately when urinating, sneezing, coughing or a sudden pressure drop of urine, women suffer from this problem a lot; Especially after childbirth when the muscles of the pelvis become weak or the uterus comes down. But men also have such problems. Older men are more prone to such problems.In most cases it is due to enlargement of the prostate gland and pressure on the bladder. This is often due to neurological problems with the capacity or sensitivity of the bladder. This problem often leads to embarrassing situations for men over 50 in the office and outside the workplace. What to do to get rid of this problem?
One. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol will increase the problem. It is better to avoid these especially outside the house.
Two. Go to the bathroom every two to three hours and empty the bladder. Do not store urine for a long time. Remember, prostate problems can cause sudden urinary retention.
Three. Lose weight. Excess weight will complicate the problem.
Four. Control it if you have diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes, diabetic neuropathy may be responsible for this problem.
Five. It is not that men do not get urinary tract infections. Urine culture should be done in case of sudden increase in urinary incontinence, burning, discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Six. Get treatment for prostate problems. Keep in touch with your surgeon regularly, checkup once a year. Sometimes surgery may be needed.
Diabetes detection
The most accurate and widely used method of diagnosing diabetes is the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test or OGTT. In this method, the patient has to have a blood glucose test once in the morning on an empty stomach, then another two hours after drinking 75 grams of glucose sherbet. This method can accurately diagnose diabetes and pre-diabetes.
But many often get in trouble for testing. Because, you have to give blood sample in the morning without eating for at least eight hours, you have to give blood twice and sometimes you have to rest or sit in the lab for two hours. Many people do not want to drink sweet solution on it. Scientists were looking for a simpler method. In different parts of the world, therefore, tests called HBA1C are used to detect diabetes. This indicates an average of a few months of blood sugar. This test can be done at any time of the day and a blood sample has to be given once.
According to the guidelines of the American Diabetic Association, if the HBA1C value is below 5.6, it can be considered normal. If it is more than 7.5, it will be considered as having diabetes. If this value is between 5.6 and 7.5, it should be considered as pre-diabetes or pre-diabetes.
However, HBA 1C test should be done in the prescribed manner in a good quality laboratory. This test may not give the correct result if someone has hereditary blood disease or blood clotting problems. This test is not used to diagnose gestational diabetes.
Regular diabetes screening should be done after the age of 40 if you are overweight, have a family history of diabetes and other risks. Oral glucose tolerance test or HBA1C test can be done for this purpose.
Diabetes is not neglected
One out of every 10 women around us has diabetes. In addition to general diabetes, women also develop special types of gestational diabetes, the treatment and complications of which are different. Diabetes-related mortality rates are also higher among women than men due to deprivation of access to diagnosis and treatment.
* A large number of women are suffering from gestational diabetes at a young age. Depending on the location, this number is 8 to 14 percent. Increases the risk of overweight, family history, physical infertility, premature birth, etc. The risk is even higher if you have diabetes in your previous child or if you have had a previous miscarriage or stillbirth. It is important to check for diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation.
* A large number of people who have gestational diabetes later become diabetic patients. Glucose tolerance test should be done again after six to eight weeks after the birth of the child.
* Diabetes should be kept in mind in case of infertility, miscarriage, fetal death or neonatal death. People who already have diabetes should control their diabetes well before having children, take insulin instead of medication and consult a doctor.
* Frequent urinary tract infections due to diabetes, fungal infections of the vagina, etc., plague women. In addition, women with diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease than others.
Risk of diabetes
Symptoms such as excessive hunger or thirst, weight loss, loss of vision, etc. are usually symptoms of diabetes. But the symptoms may not always be there. 1 in 2 diabetics do not know they have the disease. In many cases, diabetes is diagnosed with eye complications, heart disease, stroke, kidney complications, foot rot, scabies, etc. Timely diagnosis is therefore one of the prerequisites for the treatment and prevention of complications of diabetes.So even if there are no symptoms of diabetes, those who are at risk should get regular diabetes tests.
Who is at risk
* Age 45 or older
* Obese person
* If blood-related relatives have diabetes
* Lack of physical exertion
* Pre-history of gestational diabetes or overweight childbirth
* Polycystic ovary syndrome
* Hypertension, stroke or heart attack
* If the level of triglycerides in the blood is high and the level of HDL is low
In addition, if diabetes is not diagnosed in time in pregnant women, overweight babies, premature abortions, stillbirths, postpartum infant mortality, birth defects or postpartum maternal and child complications can occur.
Type 1 diabetes is more common in children. However, there is a risk of having type 2 diabetes even under the age of 18. Therefore, any child after the age of 10 should be tested for diabetes if the obese child as well as the blood relatives have a history of diabetes or gestational diabetes or insulin resistant symptoms such as: black spots on the neck, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.