Gingivitis can be prevented

 Advaita Marut: Gingivitis is one of the various diseases of teeth and oral cavity. Gingivitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection. This disease can cause further complications if not treated properly. The Bangladeshi dental specialist working at the Taif Dental Hospital under the Saudi Ministry of Health. With Sikder Nazmul Haque.

Advaita Marut: How is gum disease caused?

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: There are many reasons for gum disease. However, the most important reason is considered to be the accumulation of dental plaque in the gums. Dental plaque is a layer of bacteria that accumulates in the mouth through food particles.When it accumulates at the junction of teeth and gums, it gradually develops gingivitis. In this condition, if the gums are not treated in time and properly, the condition becomes serious and the gums or periodontal fibers become infected. And it causes another disease called periodontitis.

Advaita Marut: What are the symptoms of this disease?

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: Symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums, especially bleeding from the gums when brushing teeth, bright red color of the gums, swollen gums, bad breath, and pain in the gums when pressed. In some cases, pus may come out of the gums.

Advaita Marut: What are the complications of gum disease?

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: The complications caused by gum disease can be periodontitis or pyorrhea. Pus can accumulate in the gums and even in the jaw. As a result, the teeth may gradually become loose and fall out.

Advaita Marut: Can gum disease cause any other physical complications?

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: Yes, it can happen. For example, mothers who suffer from gum disease have a much higher rate of premature births and low birth weight than any other mother. The more severe the gum disease, the greater the risk for mothers. The risk of heart disease in those affected by this disease also increases a lot. Studies have also shown that gum disease plays a role in the development of pneumonia and chronic respiratory diseases.

Advaita Marut: I would like to know about the method of diagnosing gum disease.

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: Dental surgeons use a device called 'Probe' to diagnose gum disease. It tests whether blood comes out of the gums. To find out if the disease is complicated by periodontitis or pyorrhea, the depth of the gums is also extracted using a device called the periodontal probe. In addition, X-rays can be used to find out if the bones around the teeth have been eroded, and how much has been eroded.

Advaita Marut: How is gum treated?

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: The main principle of gingivitis treatment is to prepare the patient for regular tooth brushing. For this treatment, dental plaque is removed from the inside of the patient's teeth and gums at the dental clinic. For this, the stones deposited in the teeth are removed by scaling first.The inner part of the gums is cleaned by a method called deep scaling and deep curettage. In a method called root planning, the stones and waste material deposited in the roots of the teeth are cleaned. It is also important to eliminate the reasons why dental plaque accumulates easily in the teeth. In some cases, gum surgery or flap surgery is also required.

Advaita Marut: Is there any special method to prevent this disease?

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: To prevent gum disease, it is necessary to brush your teeth regularly and properly. Dental floss can be used to clean the space between the teeth, which is available in drug stores. The disease can also be prevented by rinsing the mouthwash with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide-rich mouthwash every day.It is usually necessary to brush your teeth twice, once in the morning and once before going to bed at night. Soft toothbrush should be used. Brush your teeth with any good quality toothpaste. However, the most important thing is never to brush your teeth with charcoal, ash or uneven tooth powder. Gingivitis can also be easily controlled by going to the dental clinic regularly and getting the teeth scaled.

Advaita Marut: Thank you very much.

Dr. Sikder Nazmul Haque: Thank you and all the readers of the magazine. Most importantly, if we all have the status of teeth, then we can easily stay away from many diseases.