Weight gain is increasing, work from home side effects are increasing

Many are still working from home due to coronavirus and lockdown. But work from home also has many side effects. One of them is weight gain. Many are gaining weight from home.

Work-from-home reasons have undoubtedly reduced the risk of coronavirus infection.
But staying at home all day increases other health risks.

This time living desk:

 Almost the whole world goes into lockdown for a long time due to the novel coronavirus. Now many countries have lifted the lockdown. Although there is no complete lockdown in our country, many issues have been discounted in the Unlock One episode. However, many companies still prefer to hire workers from home to reduce the risk.

Work-from-home reasons have undoubtedly reduced the risk of coronavirus infection. But staying at home all day increases other health risks. For example, many people have problems with weight gain due to being at home. Those who work from home are not getting a single drop of rest. On the contrary, it is stressful to keep the balance between home and office at the same time. But sitting in one place and working for hours on end is causing the problem of weight gain.

Corona's tendency to go out and work out in panic has also decreased. This is also a big reason behind weight gain. The routine that men and women used to work in has become a nightmare. This is accompanied by an increase in the tendency to move the face arbitrarily due to being at home. The desire to eat this and that for staying at home has also increased among many. This is one of the reasons why people tend to gain weight.
This tendency to gain weight has been noticed more in women than men. While 22 percent of men reported weight gain, 48 percent of women reported significant weight gain.

Experts have identified stress as another major cause of weight gain. Lockdown has brought uncertainty into our lives.Many companies are closing down due to financial losses. Many organizations are on the path of retrenchment. Uncertainty about the future is engulfing the common man. Weight gain is also due to the stress and anxiety that arises from this uncertainty. Many people tend to eat junk food to reduce stress. All in all, our health is under pressure.
For this reason, even if you work from home, you have to take a break from work. Leave your chair occasionally. When the phone rings, talk while walking. Get some free hand exercise or yoga practice before or after work. Try to keep your head as worry-free as possible. This will reduce stress.