Adhere to this home remedy three days a week. Also rely on some homemade hair packs for hair care.
Aloe vera is very effective in balancing the pH of the scalp.
Make hair pack at home to make hair soft and shiny. Make a pack with two teaspoons of sour yogurt and three teaspoons of honey. Apply this mixture on the hair before bathing. Then wash your hair with shampoo. If you have problems with dry hair, use this hair pack now.
Many people have very tangled hair. Beat two eggs in a bowl, add three teaspoons of honey and beat. Apply this pack on the hair before bathing and leave it for one to two hours. Use an alkaline or very low alkaline conditioner after shampooing. This pack is infallible to remove hair tangles.
Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Add vitamin E capsules. Apply this mixture and massage on hair and scalp. Aloe vera is very effective in maintaining the pH balance of hair and scalp. For those who do not tolerate this shell directly on the skin, use it only after boiling.
Dispose of the plastic comb and use the wooden comb now.